Sky High: Repairing and Restoring Your Roof
About Me
Sky High: Repairing and Restoring Your Roof

Welcome to my blog, my name is Daisy. A few years ago, my husband and I purchased an old house which required a lot of work. We spent many weeks gutting the place and installing new flooring, painting the walls and clearing the garage space of junk. However, my favourite part of renovating the house was the roof. I loved climbing onto the roof to inspect the tiles, removing and recycling the broken ones and replacing the gaps with new tiles. I also learnt how to waterproof and maintain our roof so that we can avoid problems in the future. I started this blog to help others who are interested in carrying out restoration or repair work on the roof of their home.


Sky High: Repairing and Restoring Your Roof

Dealing With Winter Roof Damage? 4 Steps To Take Right Away

Hunter Prescott

If you've noticed problems with your roof this winter, you might think that you should wait until spring for the repairs. If you have shingles that need to be replaced, they will take longer to seal during the winter. However, that doesn't mean that you should wait until spring to take care of the damage. In fact, waiting until spring could put you at risk for further roof damage. If your roof has sustained some winter damage, here are four steps that you need to take right away. 

Avoid the DIY Approach

If you've discovered some damage to your roof and you want to save some money, you might have decided to tackle the repairs on your own. Unfortunately, that's the worst thing you can do, especially during the winter. If your roof has a few icy spots, you could fall and seriously injure yourself. To avoid the risk, it's important that you leave winter roof repairs to a professional roofing company. They have the experience and the appropriate gear to protect themselves during winter roof repairs. 

Schedule an Inspection

If you've seen some visible signs of damage, the best thing you can do is contact your local roofing repair service. They can arrange to come out and conduct a thorough inspection of the roof. You might not think that a professional inspection of the roof is necessary, but that's not the case. There may be additional damage that you can't see by looking up at the roof. An up-close inspection will ensure that all of the damage is identified. It will also allow the roofers to determine the severity of the damage. 

Prioritize the Damage

If you're dealing with winter roof problems, you'll want to prioritize the damage. This is especially true if you can't take care of all of the issues right now. Issues such as missing shingles, ice dams, and exposed roofing paper will need to be taken care of immediately. If your roofing inspection identifies any of those issues, don't wait until spring. Schedule those repairs right away. 

Prepare for Spring

If your roofing inspection identifies issues that don't pose an immediate threat to your home, and you don't have repairs in your budget right now, talk to your roofing contractor about temporary solutions. Your roofers may be able to provide temporary fixes to the problems you're facing. That way, you can schedule permanent repairs once spring arrives.

Contact a local roofer to get started on roofing repairs.
