Sky High: Repairing and Restoring Your Roof
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Sky High: Repairing and Restoring Your Roof

Welcome to my blog, my name is Daisy. A few years ago, my husband and I purchased an old house which required a lot of work. We spent many weeks gutting the place and installing new flooring, painting the walls and clearing the garage space of junk. However, my favourite part of renovating the house was the roof. I loved climbing onto the roof to inspect the tiles, removing and recycling the broken ones and replacing the gaps with new tiles. I also learnt how to waterproof and maintain our roof so that we can avoid problems in the future. I started this blog to help others who are interested in carrying out restoration or repair work on the roof of their home.


Sky High: Repairing and Restoring Your Roof

Go for Accessories That Add a Fancy Touch When Replacing Gutters

Hunter Prescott

A well-maintained gutter system protects your property and keeps its foundations safe. However, gutters develop problems and cause issues such as mould growth and weakened foundations, among others. While some gutter problems are easy to fix, others are beyond repair, meaning you need to replace your gutter system. Ensure you get the right gutter accessories when replacing your gutter system if you want to make it more efficient and protective. Here are some gutter accessories that make gutters more reliable and efficient:

Splash Blocks

Most gutters develop problems and become inefficient after a storm or rainy season. Gravity forces the water out the downspout, leading to serious damage to the foundation. Soil erosion and severe wall dampness occur if your gutters don't have preventive accessories such as splash blocks. They come in various decorative designs such as rectangle-shaped, ponds, cascades and classic style. You connect these accessories to the downspouts to direct water to a certain point on the ground.

Leaf Guards

The new gutter you install won't be efficient for a long time if it doesn't have an accessory that filters debris, twigs and leaves. Leaf guards are a great filter barrier that doesn't allow anything to disrupt the flowing water in your gutter. You don't need to clean or check your gutters often if you integrated these accessories when replacing the gutter system. Some of the leaf guards you find in the market include mesh and screens, foam guards and solid covers. Consider leaf guards when replacing your gutter system since they enhance its appearance and durability.

Rain Chains

Rain chains help your gutters to collect rainwater to prevent water damage in your property. Rains chains don't just serve as a downspout, but they also boost the aesthetic value of your property. Cup chains and link chains are the main types of rain chains today. They help the gutters to direct water downwards to ensure none of it goes in the wrong direction. Most rain chains come in different beautiful shapes and sophisticated aluminium or copper finish. These accessories are crucial, especially if your building handles higher volumes of water. Besides adding value to your property, rain chains are also great decorative options.

Ornamented hangers and downspout extension are other accessories you can use to increase the efficiency of your new gutter system. Don't replace those ordinary rain gutters with traditional ones if you want things to be different this time. The materials used to make these gutter accessories are of high-quality to increase functionality. Consult a professional in gutter replacement or a competent roofer to learn more. 
